Sunday Gatherings

9:30am (MST)   

A local church growing together in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Welcome to Windsor Christian Fellowship

We are a local church who gathers together to worship God every Sunday at 9:30am!

In our gatherings you will experience bible based teachings from our pastors, praise and worship through song, and fellowship with other believers.

It’s a great joy to gather every Lord’s Day (Sunday) to worship God together and we’d love to have you join us!

Welcome to Windsor Christian Fellowship

We are a local church who gathers together to worship God every Sunday at 9:30am!

In our gatherings you will experience bible based teachings from our pastors, praise and worship through song, and fellowship with other believers.

It’s a great joy to gather every Lord’s Day (Sunday) to worship God together and we’d love to have you join us!

Come join us

You’re invited to come gather with us Sunday mornings at 9:30am – 680 Academy Ct. Windsor, CO
Or, online by streaming our service live. We look forward to meeting you!